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Usted construye su negocio, nosotros manejamos su aplicación.

La mayoría de la gente no se da cuenta de lo mucho que sucede detrás de escena de una aplicación móvil que funciona bien. Cuando creas una aplicación desde cero, hay cientos de partes que debes considerar. Afortunadamente para usted, Appily App Builder se encarga de todo el trabajo pesado por usted para que pueda concentrarse en lo que más le importa, su negocio.

Cree aplicaciones para publicar en APPLE App Store y Google Play STORE

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Cree fácilmente aplicaciones para iOS y Android en nuestra plataforma en la nube que admite actualizaciones de contenido en cualquier momento, campañas de marketing con orientación geográfica, análisis de usuarios y mucho más.

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Más que un simple creador de aplicaciones

Cree fácilmente aplicaciones para iOS y Android en nuestra plataforma en la nube que admite actualizaciones de contenido en cualquier momento, campañas de marketing con orientación geográfica, análisis de usuarios y mucho más.

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Más que un simple creador de aplicaciones

Cree fácilmente aplicaciones para iOS y Android en nuestra plataforma en la nube que admite actualizaciones de contenido en cualquier momento, campañas de marketing con orientación geográfica, análisis de usuarios y mucho más.

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Entregue la próxima generación de aplicaciones

Más que un simple creador de aplicaciones

Cree fácilmente aplicaciones para iOS y Android en nuestra plataforma en la nube que admite actualizaciones de contenido en cualquier momento, campañas de marketing con orientación geográfica, análisis de usuarios y mucho más.

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Entregue la próxima generación de aplicaciones

La plataforma Appily App Builder pone tecnología de vanguardia a su alcance, brindándole formas ilimitadas de llevar aplicaciones increíbles a usuarios de todo el mundo. Appily App Builder está diseñado desde cero para que pueda crear experiencias intuitivas y multifacéticas que son realmente perfectas.

Appily le permite crear aplicaciones móviles complejas y sitios móviles para iOS y Android sin ningún tipo de codificación.

Nuestra plataforma es fácil de usar, pero tiene las funciones más complejas para ayudarlo a crear cualquier tipo de aplicación que desee.

Paso 1. Elija un diseño de diseño

Personalícelo para que se adapte a sus necesidades

Paso 2. Agregue las funciones que desee

Cree una aplicación que refleje la imagen adecuada para su negocio

Empújelo en vivo en Google Play y Apple App Stores

Paso 3. Publica tu aplicación

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Más que un simple creador de aplicaciones

Cree fácilmente aplicaciones para iOS y Android en nuestra plataforma en la nube que admite actualizaciones de contenido en cualquier momento, campañas de marketing con orientación geográfica, análisis de usuarios y mucho más.

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Empiece a crear con Appily App Builder
Todas las funciones que necesita
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Perspectivas y análisis

Edita tu aplicación

No es necesario que vuelva a enviar la aplicación cada vez que realice cambios.

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No se necesita codificación

No necesita habilidades de codificación para crear su propia aplicación móvil

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¿Tiene una idea de aplicación pero no puede codificar? Ahora, cree una aplicación sin tener que escribir una sola línea de código. Utilice la plataforma de arrastrar y soltar fácil de usar de Appily App Builder.
Obtenga todo lo que necesita para crear su aplicación móvil única. Esta plataforma de creación de aplicaciones móviles le permite crear y publicar su propia aplicación en minutos. Convierta la idea de su aplicación en realidad, ¡haga su aplicación ahora!
Cualquiera puede crear aplicaciones móviles nativas, potentes y profesionales con Appily App Builder utilizando una amplia variedad de funciones básicas y avanzadas que puede agregar a su aplicación. Incluso si nunca ha escrito una sola línea de código en su vida y necesita crear una aplicación para su pequeña empresa, puede diseñar una aplicación de la manera que desee con el creador de aplicaciones intuitivo de Appily App Builder.
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Cree aplicaciones para sus clientes, con todo el poder y la flexibilidad de la plataforma Appily App Builder. Utilice exactamente el mismo creador de aplicaciones que utilizan los clientes para crear miles de aplicaciones.

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Administre su aplicación sin un desarrollador
Por lo general, un panel de administración de aplicaciones es una ocurrencia tardía para la mayoría de las personas que crean su aplicación desde cero. Normalmente, tendría que involucrar a un desarrollador para cada pequeño cambio que le gustaría hacer con su aplicación.
Con Appily App Builder, ese es un elemento central de la experiencia.
No te preocupes por infraestructuras complejas
La mayoría de la gente no se da cuenta de lo mucho que sucede detrás de escena de una aplicación móvil que funciona bien.
Cuando creas una aplicación desde cero, hay cientos de partes que debes considerar.
No querrá perder tiempo preocupándose por servidores, bases de datos, copias de seguridad y codificación.
Afortunadamente, Appily App Builder se encarga de todo, por lo que puedes concentrarte en lo más importante, tu negocio.
ahorre tiempo usando un creador de aplicaciones
Escribir código lleva tiempo. No siempre se puede acelerar el proyecto contratando más desarrolladores.
Por lo tanto, cuando tiene la oportunidad de aprovechar un creador de aplicaciones lleno de funciones y características predefinidas que ya se han probado, los privilegios de ahorro de tiempo y costo son una gran ventaja.
calidad y rapidez
Al crear una aplicación móvil, enfrenta las limitaciones de calidad, precio y velocidad.
Cuando crea una aplicación por su cuenta, puede ser difícil alinear los recursos de desarrollo de manera que obtenga la aplicación que desea dentro de su presupuesto. Con Appily App Builder, ahorra una cantidad significativa de tiempo al aprovechar las funciones existentes, lo que genera ahorros de costos de inmediato, y dado que miles de aplicaciones utilizan estas funciones, puede confiar en la calidad del desarrollo.
¿Es Appily App Builder el único sin código?
creador de aplicaciones?
En realidad, hay muchas opciones para elegir en el mercado y, a primera vista, puede ser difícil entender la diferencia entre muchos de los diferentes creadores de aplicaciones. Sin embargo, existen muchas diferencias muy importantes entre los creadores de aplicaciones. Las diferencias son una combinación de calidad, funcionalidad, personalización, soporte y precio. Appily App Builder le brinda la posibilidad de personalizar la plataforma mucho más allá de nuestra funcionalidad existente, nuestra interfaz fácil de usar, así como nuestra sólida cantidad de funciones.
  • Audio
    In this article, we will learn how it is possible to integrate your playlists or one of your favorite artists songs into your app. To create a Music page in your app click on Click on + to create a new playlist: Click on "ok" to save your choice: You have three possibilities to add songs and albums to your playlist: iTunes SoundCloud Podcast Custom iTunes: Click on the iTunes icon You have three possibilities to search the songs you want to add to your playlist: Artist Album Track Enter your research in the field, then click on "Search" Click on the album, the track or the artist you want to add to your playlist. Once everything you want is selected, click on "Add" to create the playlist. Soundcloud: Click on Click on "Search", select “Playlist” or “Title” and type your keyword in the field. Select the Title/Playlist you want and click on "Add" to create the Playlist. Podcast: Click on We will use this URL ( as example: Click on "Add" to create the Playlist. Custom: Click on Enter the details of your track, click "ok" and "Save" .
  • CabRide - Create an App like Uber
    With this feature you will be able to launch a “Uber-like service” with your app. This module is provided with a Template & a Layout, these are both designed to play nicely with the CabRide feature, however the module is useable with any other Layout. Note: To use this feature, you have to create a Google Maps JavaScript API key. Google Maps API requires the following APIs: Also, remember that after the free amount offered by google for your API usage, requests to the API will be charged by google. To create your Google Maps API keys: Go to Then click on Create or select a project: Create a billing account if you don’t have one (this is mandatory): The account is automatically restreint to the free trial 300$ limit: Once you have filled the billing form, hit the “Start my free trial” button. Select the 3 options and click on Next: Answer the questions and click on Next: Copy your API key and click on API Console to set the restrictions: In Key Restrictions > API restrictions, select “Restrict key” and select the following APIs: Save and you’re all set! Now you just have to copy and paste your API key in your editor in Settings > APIs: (this one is used by the app): How to set up: 1) First, in the Add pages section, click on the app icon: You’ll see this page: There are only shortcuts to the main Extended dashboard & menu now available on the left sidebar: When you use the taxi template, whatever the Cabride module position is, it will be shown at the top of list: Open the Settings page to start with your module: Description of the options: When you are done with the settings, you will have to create at least one vehicle type. 4) The CabRide > DashboardOn the dashboard, you have access to a synthetic view of the latest 100 payments, and cumulative boards for daily, weekly, monthly & yearly earnings: 5) CabRide > Form From this section you can create a custom form that will be displayed to the passengers when they request for a ride. The answers will appear to the Driver in the detail of the ride request. Fields are grouped in two sections: Formatting elements and Input elements. Let’s introduce the different fields. Formatting elements Title (divider): use it to create contrasting title/label elements. White space (spacer): adds a 20px space between any other field. Input elements Number: adds a number input with options, minimum, maximum & step increment. Dropdown select: adds a select element with multiple options. Dropdown select: adds a select element with multiple options. Password: adds a password text element, input text is not readable. Text: a single line text input. Textarea: a multiline text input. Date: simple date field, with format options. Date & time: simple date & time field, with format options. In Manage fields section you can edit the fields, change their order and delete them: Here is an example of form in the app: 6) Open the page CabRide > Vehicle types Then edit a vehicle type: › Vehicle types require at least a Name & an Illustration. › Fares are required only when Pricing mode is set to Fixed by vehicle type. 7) Then from CabRide > Drivers, you can manage & delete your drivers: 8) The page CabRide > Rides offers an overview of all the rides & requests, with their information and statuses. 9) From CabRide > Accountancy, you can manage your commissions payout & cash return requests: Cash return requests: All rides paid with cash will be aggregated by drivers, grouping all payments with the sum of commissions to be returned: You can send cash requests to your drivers: › Without date filters: all pending cash return will be aggregated regardless of the time period. › With period filter: only rides paid by cash within the time period will be aggregated and asked for a return.When requesting a cash return, the line will be added to the Archived requests with the status REQUESTED, when the cash is returned, you can call the action MARK AS RETURNED to validate it. Payouts On the other hand, for payments done via credit card you’ll be able to create individual or bulk payout requests. You can inform your drivers they will have their payouts processed: › Without date filters: all pending payouts will be aggregated regardless of the time period and drivers will be notified. › With period filter: only rides paid by credit card within the time period will be aggregated and notified as payout in progress to the drivers. › The "payout" action will create a pending payout for the given driver payouts. The "generate bulk payout" action will create a bulk csv export for all the pending payouts (filtered by time period, or not). When the bulk report generation is done, you’ll see the report, and will be able to download it as CSV: How to use the feature in App: When opening the App for the first time, passengers and/or drivers will be asked to select a role. › If the setting Driver can register is not enabled, all new customers will be marked as passenger. It’s then up to the app admin to grant customers as drivers from the page CabRide > Passengers with the action "set as driver" 1) Passenger UI The passenger homepage with a nearby online driver (yellow cab on the map). The homepage when the passenger defined a route, with estimated distance & duration.› At this step, the passenger can now start a search request for available drivers. › When the search is successful, the passenger will have to choose between the available vehicle types, If multiple drivers are available, a price range is shown to inform the passenger. When only one driver is available for a vehicle type, a single cost is shown. › After the passenger selected a vehicle type, he will have to select a payment method › Passengers can securely vault one or more credit card to be used later easily. After selecting a payment method, the passenger will be directed to the page My Rides› The ride is Pending while waiting for drivers to accept, the expiration delay is shown. › While the request is in Pending state, passenger can still cancel it. If a driver accepts the ride, passenger will receive a push notification and the ride state will change to accepted› › At this step, the passenger can make a phone call to the driver if needed, or see more details about the ride. 2) Driver UI Driver nav & waiting homepage, next to each section, a counter shows how many requests or actions are yet active. Vehicle information. › The driver will have to select a vehicle type, and fill information before going online. › The section Custom fares is only visible & editable when the setting Pricing mode is set to drivers. › With this pricing mode, drivers will fix their fares individually. While waiting for rides, drivers will receive push if they match any request, the push will open the Pending page: › Here the driver can review the ride request while pending, and Decline or Accept. › When the driver Decline a ride, the ride will be moved to the Declined page, the driver can still accept it, if it’s not expired or accepted by another driver. › When the driver accepts the ride, the passenger will receive a push, and the driver will get more information. After the driver has Accepted a ride, he will have new actions › Drive to client: The driver will inform the client he is on his way, the passenger will be informed of the estimated time of arrival of the driver. › Drive to destination: The passenger is now on-board, and the driver starts the ride. › Call client: The driver can call the client for more information. Both Drive actions will open a navigation intent to choose between Waze, Google directions, or Apple maps for iOS devices. When the ride is done and the passenger arrived at destination, the driver will be able to mark the ride as completed. › If the passenger is paying by card, the card will be charged the course total. › If the passenger is paying with cash, he pays the driver directly. After rides are done, the driver can review his payment history:› The Payment history page is split in two sections: Credit card Pending payouts: When the app admin mark payouts as pending, the driver will see his incoming payouts, with the total amount due, and the period covered. The latest 100 payments are displayed with their respective statuses: UNPAID = The payout is due to the driver. IN PROGRESS = The app admin marked this payment for an incoming payout. PAID = The payout is paid. Cash Pending cash return: When the app admin mark cash payments to be returned, the driver will be notified he has pending cash return requests, with the covered period and the total amount to return The latest 100 payments are displayed with their respective statuses: UNRETURNED = The cash is pending. REQUESTED = The app admin requested a cash return for this payment. RETURNED = The commission for this payment is marked as returned.
  • Job
    With this feature, you will be able to create a list of job offers. Click on in the “Add pages” section, to add the feature to your app: (Please note that the tab “Positions” is available after you have created one company at least) In “General” you can manage general settings for the Job feature: “Display search“: display the search bar on the main page of the feature “Display place icon“: display the logo of the company next to the job offer “Display income“: display the position’s income on the job offer page “Display contact“: you can select which type of contact you want to display on the position page “Default search distance“: The default max distance between the users and the offers displayed on the feature “Distance unit“: Choose between Kilometers or Miles Companies: In this section you can add the companies which offer positions: Click on + to add a company: “Name“: It’s the name of the company “Description“: It’s the description of your company’s field/projects/objectives/etc… “E-mail“: It’s the mail that will receive all the job applies “Administrators“: It’s a user(s) who can manage the job offers and the company’s info directly from the app. “Display contact“: It’s the same settings from the General tab. “Use global configuration” will use the settings from the General tab. Positions: In this section you can add the job offers: Complete the position information and choose the company that offer this job from the list of the companies you have created. Categories: In this section you can create categories for the positions offered: Click on + to create a category: The feature in the application The job offers are displayed on the main page of the feature. On the position page, you can see the localisation of the position, contact the company and look at the company’s info. On the company page you can see a description of the company and all the positions offered by this company. Important: if the user has admin access, he will be able to edit the job offer by clicking on on the position page: He can also edit the company info by clicking on and create a job offer by clicking on :
  • MCommerce
    With the Commerce feature you will be able to sell your products from one or several stores. Users will be able to pay online via Paypal or Stripe, to pay at your store or at the delivery. Note: Every stores you will create, will have the same catalog, see it like a “franchise”. Let’s go! To add “Commerce” feature in your app, click on in the “Add pages” section: 1. Create Store: Click on + to add a store and fill out your store’s info: Then add your delivery options: You can choose from: “In store”: Your clients will have to come to the store “Carry out”: Your clients will have to come to the store to get the product and then leave the store with the product “Delivery”: You can deliver your goods to your clients If you choose “Delivery”, some other options are displayed: “Delivery fees”: The cost of the delivery “Free delivery starting from”: If you want the delivery to be free when the order reaches a certain price “The clients calculate the change”: Add a field at the end of the order where the client will specify the type of cash he will use. For example, if he uses a 50$ bill, you will be notified “Delivery radius”: Indicate the area you deliver from your store address, in km “Delivery time”: The average time of delivery, between the order and the start of the delivery, in minutes “Minimum order”: Set the minimum price for a delivery Then add your payment options. If you choose Paypal, you’ll need to do some mandatory operations in your Paypal account, click here to see how you have to set up your Paypal account to enable it in your app. You can also pay by credit card when you pick up your order / upon delivery or you can directly pay by credit card online. To do that you just have to select the option “credit card (online payment)” and fill out the two sections “Secret Key” and “Publishable key” you obtained on Stripe. If you don’t know these keys, just check out this page to know how to get them. Then, create a Tax for your Store: Save by clicking on "Save" 2. Create catagories for your products: Go to “Catalog” and click on “My categories“: Click on + to add your categories: A first one is automatically created but won’t be shown to users. It’s your root category but once again it will not be shown to users so you can leave it like that. Select it and click on “+” to add a subcategory (in fact, as the root category is not shown, this new category will be a main category). Add as many categories and subcategories as you need: 3. Create products: Click on “My products” from the main menu in “Catalog”: Click on + to add a product: You can add some sizes/variants to your product. Switch on Product Formats and then fill out sizes/variants information of your product, with a price for each. Note that if you activate this function, you won’t be able to change the price of your product in the main menu as you did just before. The price displayed in the app will be the smallest one (“from 0.30€” for example). You can add some sizes/variants to your product. Switch on Product Formats and then fill out sizes/variants information of your product, with a price for each. Note that if you activate this function, you won’t be able to change the price of your product in the main menu as you did just before. The price displayed in the app will be the smallest one (“from 0.30€” for example). If you check “at least one option is required” the user will have to choose from the sauces you offer when he orders the product. He will not be able to order without choosing one of these options (that’s useful when you have many sizes for a product, as we will see next). Don’t click on "ok" yet, click on + next to “Add options” and add the name of the options you want. Click on "ok" to save. Now, in your product details page you can see your options below: You can also choose to create an option list, for example you are selling sandwiches, and you want your clients to pick one sauce from a list: Then check the categories for your product: And click on "ok" at the top of the page to save your product. You can also duplicate a product if you want to create a new product that doesn’t have many differences from another one: If you have many products in the feature, it can be difficult to scroll to find the one you are looking for. That’s why we implemented a search bar, where you can type its name and find it easily. 4. Manage: In the “Orders” menu, you will be able to see and manage the orders you receive. In the “Settings” menu, you will able to manage the fields required during the order. You can either choose to make a field mandatory, hidden, or simply hide it from the form. Let’s look at an example: And let’s see the result inside the app when ordering: Furthermore, if the user has already created an account in the app and is logged in, some information will automatically be retrieved by the MCommerce feature to fill parts of the form, as you can see in the example above. Then, you will be able to create discounts: “Enabled“: You can enable it right away or disable it for now. You will be able to enable it whenever you want after the creation “Label“: It’s the name of the Discount “Code“: Your client will use this code to activate the Discount “Minimum amount“: Set a minimum amount on the checkout to activate the discount. Leave it blank if there is no minimum amount “Discount type“: “Fixed” for fixed discount, for example 10€, “Percentage” if you want to deduct a percentage “Deductable“: It’s the amount you want to deduct, in your currency if you chose “fixed“, in percentage if you chose “percentage“ “Validity date“: Fix a validity date if you want one, leave blank if not “Usable once“: Check this if you want your Discount to be used only once You can then manage them in the “Manage Discounts” tab: You will also be able to link, for each store, a connected printer to your app to print orders when they arrive. Make sure your printer is compatible, it will need an address mail: You can also setup more taxes if your products don’t use the same taxes: 5.Troubleshoot: I can’t add a product to the cart: You have not created a category (other than the root one) or you have not associated the product to a category or you have not associated the product to a tax.
  • WordPress
    With WordPress v2 you can integrate your posts & pages. This new version doesn’t require you to install a plugin and works with all WordPress versions via the native JSON API. General settings 1. First you will add the WordPress Feature to your Application. 2. After what you will see the following configuration page WordPress URL: This is the WordPress you want to fetch posts & pages from. Group all queries into a single list: This one is a display option, in WordPress v2 you can build what we call “queries”. They are collection of posts and/or pages, choosing this option will group all the queries into a single list page like the picture below Otherwise, when not checked, queries will be displayed like “categories/folders” Show cover: this option applies only when the queries are not grouped, and will toggle the Cover display on the homepage. Login / Password: If you want to access posts & pages secured by an account, input your credentials, otherwise leave them blank. Query builder Let’s build our first query, here named The query builder fetched all available categories & pages from our previously configured WordPress, we selected “Tech” which contains 76 posts for our query. And a page query (here Contact) Design In the design section you can upload backgrounds for the feature. Settings The settings section offer two options, the first is the card design alternative The second is related to the cache lifetime, to improve loading times and reduce load on the WordPress server, all queries are cached, however the in-app function “Pull to refresh” automatically rebuilds the cache to fetch fresh content. Default cache lifetime is set to 1 hour. And you’re done!
  • Folders v2
    The Folder feature allows to create an arborescence inside your app. The creation of a Folder To create a folder, click on in the “add pages” part: Give the folder a name and a subtitle. Override layout: It’s a setting useful for the subfolders. You can set a general design on the “design” tab, for all the subfolders, but if you want to use a specific design for a subfolder, you can set it with this setting. To create a subfolder, you have to click on +. If you want to change the name, the subtitle or the cover/thumbnail image, you only have to click on Add features to your Folders Note: You can ONLY add to your folders the features you have already created. Adding a feature to one of your folders is very easy. First: select the folder in which you want to add a feature. Then click on the feature you want to add to this folder. Here we are. We have added our first feature to a folder. Do the same for each feature you want to add. Editing your features You will see that, once you have added a feature to a folder, this feature will not appear anymore in the main feature slider. To manage the features you have added on some folders, you have to open the Folders page. Then select the folder or the subfolder in which the feature you want to manage is. Click on the feature you want to edit. To go back to the home of your app, click on this icon Removing a feature from a folder Once you have moved a feature into a folder, you still have the possibility to remove it from it.To do this click on the cross: Costimize your Folder You can customize the appearance of the folder and subfolders with the design tab: In the “Settings” tab, you can add a Search bar, and the “card” design: Without card design: With card design:
  • How to add internal links / in app links
    This functionality allows you to create links to a feature in your app from another feature. From the feature places , custom page : In CK editor (text editor) there is a new button : To open the menu from source code , click on the insert in-app link button : Once you have clicked this button , a new menu pops up :
  • Places
    With this feature, you will be able to create a list of geolocated places. It will display all the places on a map, or, if the user opens the sheet of a particular location, he will be able to get the path and directions to this location, by walking or driving. The listing of the locations is sort according to the distance between the locations and the user, from closest to farthest. Click on on the “Add Pages” section to add the feature to your app: Note: If you want the “Around you” Search Settings, you have to setup it before adding places to the feature. Add Places Click on + to add a Place: Then, you have to enter an address for this location, or its coordinates: If you check the “Display address” checkbox, the address will be shown in the sheet of the location. If you check the “display location button” checkbox, it will display a button that will allow the user to see the path to this location. Be sure you have your Google Maps API Keys set. You can also add other Sections (see Custom Page for more information). When you are done, click on "Save" to add the place. Once you have set up the list, it could look like that: Add Search tabs You can also add a search tab in the feature. You can search your different points of interest based on four types of search: Just check the search filters which should be displayed in your app. “Text” allows you to make a classic search by text (for example, you can search for a “park”) “Type” allows you to search by tags “Address” allows you to search by address “Around you” allows you to only display places in the radius you set up (in km) Finally, here is the result inside the app:
  • Offline Mode [DEPRECATED]
    The Offline Mode is not really a feature, but it allows your users to download the contents of the app in their phones so that they can access it later, even if they have no connection. Let’s see how this works. When the users download the app and open it for the first time, they will be asked if they want to download the contents to access it when they are offline. If they do it, they will be able to access all the contents that are in the app even when there is no connection. To enable the Offline mode, go in Settings > Advanced: and check “Enable offline content?”: But you have to know that everything that is linked to an external website will not be downloaded, like for example Youtube videos, Instagram galleries, or Facebook pages. As you have to get the content from outside the app, you need an internet connection to access it. Available features: Custom page Push notifications Set meal Folder Contact Newswall Places Code scan Images RSS Feed Tips calculator Topics
  • Padlock
    Thanks to this feature you will be able to lock your app wholly or partly. The locked content will be accessible for authorized users only. We are going to see how to set up this feature. First, you have to add the Padlock feature to your app, click on "PADLOCK" from “Add pages” to add this feature to your app: Unlock by: “QRCode“: Generate a QRCode that, once scanned, will unlock the padlock: “Account“: Unlock the padlock to some accounts. You have to allow accounts manually in the “Users” tab: “Allow all the users by default“: If you select “yes”, all users who have already an account on your app, or users who create an account on your app, will have access to the locked content. If you let on “no”, that means you will have to authorize your users manually from the “Users” menu. “Lock the entire application?“: If you choose “yes”, your whole app will be blocked. With this option you can create a private app. It’s useful, for example, to force your users to create accounts, if you set “Allow all the users by default” and “Lock the entire application” to “yes”. If you choose “no”, you will just block some pages of your app. “Choose the features to lock“: Here you can check the features you want to lock with Padlock, if you set “Lock the entire application?” to “no”. WARNING: Before submitting an app, create a user (without mentioning “test” or “demo”) with authorized access. Then, when you publish your app on iTunes Connect just fill out these info in the user demo fields to let Apple reviews what is behind the padlock feature. You can change the background of this feature in the “Background” tab:
  • Booking
    Thanks to this feature, your customers can schedule an appointment at your business(es). If you want to add this feature to your application, that is very easy. First of all, you have to click on the Booking feature: Then, you have to click on + and to enter the location of your business and the email address of the manager: If you have several businesses, you can add these businesses to your Booking feature. To do that, you only have to click on + . Then, you just have to enter the location of this business and the email address of your manager. You can do this process, as many time as you want in order to reference all your businesses. Why this information ? The location of your business(es) is important for your customers, so that they know exactly where they schedule their appointments. Thanks to the email address of your manager, the application will send him an email to validate the appointment. And the result: Just fill out the different cases you need and your appointment is done!
  • QR Coupons
    This feature will allow you to create discount coupons that will be unlocked by scanning a specific QR Code. Once unlocked, the customer can use the discount when they want. That means the coupon will not appear in the app for the user until he scans the QR Code. As a business owner you create a QR coupon, and you obtain a QR Code. You can distribute this QR code on your website or in a newsletter, etc… to reward specific actions, or just show it to premium clients so that they can flash it. Once scanned the coupon will appear in their apps. To add it to your app, just click on "QR Coupons" from “Add pages”. Then let’s create a QR Coupon: “Picture”: You can add a picture to illustrate your special offer. “Thumbnail”: Add a thumbnail so your coupon will be more recognizable. “Title”: It’s the name of your coupon. “Description”: Describe it, so there can be no misunderstanding. “Conditions”: The conditions of use. “Use only once?”: Check this if you want your coupon to be a one time use only. “End at”: Specify the end date of your coupon, if not unlimited. “or unlimited?”: Check this if there is no time limit. Once you’ve set your coupon as you want, click on “OK” at the top of the page. It will create a QR Code that you can print and display anywhere you want to allow the users of the app to scan it to benefit from your QR Coupon!. Note that you don’t have to add the Code Scan feature to your app because your QR coupon will be scanned from the scanner which is in the feature QR Coupon directly (do not scan from the Code Scan feature as it will not work from this feature). You can customize the design of this feature in the “Design” tab:
  • Weather
    This feature offers a weather widget in your app to display the forecasts for a particular city or for your users location. First, click on "WEATHER" in the “Add Pages” section to add the feature to your app: You just have to choose a country and a city, then save. This is how it looks like in your app: Your users will be able to change the location to their own, if they click/tap on “Change location“.
  • Editor’s Messages feature
    This article will explain how to use the Editor’s Messages feature. Sometimes, multiple users want to work on the same app. Appily gives you the ability to share an app between multiple users in order they work together on the same project. But how can they talk to each other about modifications they make, share ideas about the great app they are building? The Editor’s Messages feature comes to answer to these needs. From this feature, directly inside your app Editor, you are now able to share your ideas and tell to the others what you are doing. You can also share images/photos: In the Editor of your app, click on Settings then Messages. Type your message then click on “Send”: The other users will be able to see that message from their Editor and answer you following the same process:
  • QR Code Scan
    This feature will allow your customers to use their camera to flash a QR Code and to access specific content. To add this feature to your app, just click on "Code Scan" in “Add Pages”. Basically, a QR code is data encrypted as an image. When you use your QR Code Scan, it will get you to the content it is linked to. It can be a specific url outside the app, an image, text or anything. For those who don’t know what is a QR Code, it looks like this: Note that each and every QR Code is related to a specific content. (Warning: When you add the QR Code Scan feature, the icon will not be displayed in the Editor Previewer on the right. It is normal, and it will be displayed once the app is published) The QR Code Scan will allow your users to: unlock discount QR coupons unlock the Padlock
  • Newswall
    This feature allows you to create a news page with a photo and comments from users. It works like a news wall, users are able to find all the posts you wrote on it. Click on + to create your news: “Title”: Here is the title of your News” “Date”: Schedule the publication date of your news. “Subtitle”: It’s a summary of the description of the news. Describe your news in the text editor. “Insert a picture”: Chose a picture to illustrate your news. Here is what it looks like in the app: Click on the news: Your users will be able to comment and like the news: Back to the editor ! You can manage your news via the “Manage content” tab: “Magnifying glass”: Display a summary of the news. “Pen”: Edit the news. “Speech bubble”: Display the comments of the news. “Eye”: Hide the news. “Cross”: Delete the news. You can choose another design for this page in the “Design” tab: Finally, you can add a Background image for the feature in the “Background” tab:
  • Twitter
    With the Twitter feature you will be able to include your Twitter account in your application. Create yout Twitter API Keys To get Twitter Access keys, you need to create a Twitter Application which is mandatory to access Twitter. Go to and log in, if necessary Enter your Application Name, Description and your website address. You can leave the callback URL empty. Accept the TOS, and click on “Create your Twitter Application“ Save the consumer key (API key) and consumer secret somewhere, in order to use them later in Appily App Builder. After creating your Twitter Application, you have to give the access to your Twitter Account to use this Application. To do this, click the Create my Access Token. In order to access the Twitter, that is to say get recent tweets and Twitter followers count, you need the four keys such as Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access token and Access Token Secret: Before using the Twitter feature in Appily App Builder, it is necessary to define the Twitter API keys in your editor. So in the editor, click on the menu Settings > APIs: Add the feature Twitter Click on "TWITTER" in the “Add pages” section: The twitter handle is your personal id on twitter, it starts with the @ symbol. You can check the integrity of your Twitter handle by clicking on: Verify The following error message will appear if you haven’t entered your Twitter API key : The following error message will appear if you have entered a wrong Twitter handle : Otherwise, you will have a confirmation message on your screen like the message below: Then save your changes by clicking on: OK You have now finished to set up your Twitter account in Appily!
  • Fan Wall
    Add a Fan Wall With the Fan Wall feature, users of your application will be able to post comments and/or photos and to discuss among themselves. Click on "FAN WALL" on the “Add Pages” section: You can set the “Near me” settings. It will allow a user to display on the Fan Wall only comments/photos from users around him, in the radius you have determined. Add Posts You can add posts directly from the Editor by clicking on next to “Add Content“: “Title“: It’s the title of the post “Subtitle“: It will be displayed under the title, it’s a summary of the post. You can create the body of your post in the Text Editor. “Insert a picture“: You will be able to illustrate your post with a picture. Then create an account or log in (if you already have an account). And then type your message and/or upload a picture. Manage Content Back to the editor ! You can manage your news via the “Manage content” tab: “Magnifying glass”: Display a summary of the news. “Pen”: Edit the news. “Speech bubble”: Display the comments of the news. “Eye”: Hide the news. “Cross”: Delete the news. You can choose another design for this page in the “Design” tab: Finally, you can add a Background image for the feature in the “Background” tab:
  • Facebook Import
    We are going to learn how to import your data from a Facebook Fan Page into your application with Appily App Builder With this feature, you’ll be able to import from your Facebook Fan Page into your app in a few seconds your : Images Contact Information Calendar Places Facebook Wall You will need to create a Facebook API key to connect import your datas from your page to your app. As the Facebook page feature, the Facebook import feature can only uses Facebook fan page (the page you can like), not a Facebook user account (the one you can add as friend). When you Create a new App When you create a new app, a window appears asking you to connect your Facebook Page. Just enter your Facebook Page URL or your Facebook Page ID to connect it automatically like this: Your Facebook Page is now imported to your app! Once you’ve imported your data, Images and calendar will automatically be updated when you add something in your Facebook Page. Places and Contact will not be automatically updated, you have do to it manually. When you already have an app If you already have an app, click on the “Features button” on the top of the screen: You just have to click on the “Facebook Import” button on the top right of the screen: Then, enter your Facebook Page URL or your Facebook Page ID in the window above like this: Now another window appears to inform you which features will be imported from your Facebook Page: Click on “Next”. Your Facebook Page is now imported and you can access it from the Appily App Builder's features in your application. This importation will also automatically create new features in your app even if you already have these features: Facebook Images Contact Places Calendar Once you’ve imported your data, Images and calendar will automatically be updated when you add something in your Facebook Page. Places and Contact will not be automatically updated, you have do to it manually.
  • How to integrate Ads in the app with AdMob?
    1. Create an adwords account To login to AdMob you need a Google Adwords account. Create one first at 2. Create your AdMob account Login to AdMob at and create your account after choosing your Adwords account 3. Create your ad Once logged in Admob, you reach this page: Click on “Apps” and on “ADD APP“: Next, if you published your app, click on “YES“, you will have to search for your app on the stores. If “NO“, enter an “App name” and select the platform on which you want to publish your app: Click on "NEXT: CREATE AD UNIT" and choose from interstitial or banner (rewarded is not supported). Give a name to the Ad and click on “CREATE AD UNIT“: Note down the ad unit ID: You can repeat the same process to create another kind of ad, or the same kind of ad but for another kind of system/device. 4. Add your ad unit ID to your app Go to your Editor, in the Publication tab of your app. Check “Monetize my app using AdMob?” and enter the ad unit ID you just created:
  • Discounts
    With the discount feature you’ll be able to create as many discounts as you want and display them in the application. Here are the various parts of a discount: Picture: you can add a picture that illustrates your coupon Thumbnail: you can add an “icon” next to the name of your coupon Name: for example “One free coffee”, keep it short and simple Description: for example : “One free coffee among classical L and XL coffees” Conditions: for example : “Available for a $10 order” Can only be used once: check this box if you want the discount to be available for the client only once. A “use this discount” button will appear in the application and the client will have to press it to use the discount. End date or unlimited: choose if you want your discount to have a due date or if you want it to be unlimited and to stop it when you want. Here is what it looks like: To enter a new discount, click on "OK" and repeat the process. After having created some coupons, you can also change the design of the page from the different page designs which are available from the “Design” section at the top of the feature: Then, you will be able to edit your Discounts at the bottom of the feature: Let’s check it out in the phone: When we click on the Discount:
  • Push Notifications
    Once your application is published on the App Store and Google Play, you’ll be able to send push notifications. Then, from the app editor, it is quite simple. You have to click on the Push feature. This will appear: Then, you have to click on the +, to create a new Push message. This will appear: “Open a feature or a custom url” allows you to redirect your users to a specific url or a specific page of your app when they open the push notification. “Insert a cover image” will insert a cover image Now, choose your message an click on + Once you have clicked, this will appear: If you want to send your push to a specific location, check the box “Send to a specific location”, enter a location and a radius. If not, check the box “Send to no specific locations”. Then, click on > “Target specific devices”: You can choose to send to iOS & Android devices, Android only or iOS only. “Send to all my users”: Will send to all of your users, including unregistered ones. “Send to specific users”: Will send to specific users, with the module “Individual Push Notifications” bought and installed. A list of your users will appear. You will be able to check the users you want to send this push notification to. “Send to specific topics”: How to create topics and send topic based push notifications: Then, click on > You can send your notification now, or on a specific date: You are done ! Click on "OK" to send the push notification. Send Push Notification from the Dashboard of the Editor You can now send Push Notifications directly from the Dashboard of the Editor. This will allow you to send a notification to multiple apps on your account. First, click on the Push Notification button on the top of the screen. This page will appear : “Title”: Enter the title of your push notification. “Message”: The message of the notification. “Send to all applications”: This checkbox will send this notification to all of your apps. “Target devices”: You can chose to send to iOS & Android devices, Android only or iOS only. “Open custom URL”: allows you to redirect your users to a specific url when they open the push notification. “URL”: Enter here the custom URL if the previous checkbox is checked. “Select target applications”: If the checkbox “Send to all applications” is not checked, you can chose the apps you want your push notification to be sent on. Once everything is setup, you are done ! You can click on "Send"
  • Commerce-Pro
    You can download instructions for the Commerce-Pro Feature below;
  • RSS Feeds
    This feature allows you to integrate feeds from blogs or news websites either from the business for which you’re creating the application or other sources in relation with the business or both. You can create as many feeds as you want. Here is how it works: It doesn’t matter if you know or not the feed link you want to integrate. Just enter a title for your feed and then the url of the website from which you want to extract the feed. Click ok. If there are some feeds for this website, Appily will display them and let you choose the one you want. In a second case, you can just enter the name of the site you want to extract the RSS feed. Appily will automatically scan this website to find the RSS feeds on this one. Then just choose the feed you want to display and save. You obtain this: You can choose a different design for your page, from the design section at the bottom of the feature:
  • Set Meal (Menu)
    Here is the feature for creating menus or bundles for a business. You’ll be able to create as many menus as you want. Here is what it looks like: “Title”: for example: “Kid’s menu” or “Brunch”. “Price”: This field isn’t mandatory, as you can enter the price in the menu description, but it’s recommended. “Description”: Describe your menu here. “Rules”: This field isn’t mandatory. You will be able to use it to specify some conditions, for example “only available on mondays”. “Picture”: Add a picture to describe your menu. It will look like this on the phone:
  • Topics and Notifications
    This feature allows you to create Topics your users can subscribe to, in order for you to send Push Notifications and In App Messages only to those who have subscribed to a specific topic.
  • Loyalty Card
    With the Loyalty card feature you’ll be able to create a loyalty’s punch or stamp card. It means there will be a reward after a number of purchases. For example “one burger for ten bought”. To validate a loyalty point the business owner will have to enter a four-digit password. As with loyalty stamp card, the client has to show his card to the retailer for stamping it, with our digital loyalty card, the client has to show his smartphone and the retailer has to enter his four-digit password to validate a point. 1. Loyalty card creation Here are the things required to create a loyalty card: the total number of points the reward what’s the condition to validate a point Here is an example: You can also add your own pictures to illustrate the points of the card with the buttons “Point inactive” and “Point active”. 2. Four-digit passwords and QRcode creation : It is possible to create a password and QRcode for each employee. To create a password, you just have to click on the “My passwords” button: By clicking on the QRCode logo you can download a QRCode that can be used instead of the password. 3. The loyalty card in the application: To validate a point, the client “touches” a point and shows his smartphone to the retailer: The retailer chooses the number of points and enters his password. Note: It is not possible to edit or delete a loyalty card. Why? Because it works like a real punch card, when a user gets a punch card with a particular offer and begins to validate some points on it, it can’t be changed (meaning that it would be too easy to attract customers with a big offer and then to change it for a lower one while they already have some points validated on it). But it’s possible to create a new card with a new offer. All the customers who have already validated points on the old card, will keep using this card until it is completely validated, and then they will get the new card. The customers who haven’t validated points yet on the old card, will get the new one instead.
  • Calendar
    The Calendar feature will allow you to share with your users the place and date of your events and the ones you will be present to. To create a Calendar feature, click on “Calendar” Click on + to add a calendar. You have 3 options: iCal: Click on iCal: – Create your event: – Find the agenda’s URL. To do this, click on “Share this calendar”: – Click on “Calendar Details”: – Click on “ICAL” in the Calendar Address: – Copy this address and paste it in the “Calendar’s URL” field: Facebook: Click on Facebook: – First enter the name of your Calendar: – Then, enter your Facebook fan page ID : Finally click on OK to validate your event. Custom Click on custom: Enter the name of your Calendar and then click on OK: To create a new event click on "Evenet" : Thus, you have to enter all the required information for your event and an illustration picture.
  • Videos
    With Appily App Builder you’ll be able to integrate videos from Youtube galleries, Podcast and Vimeo. If you want to integrate a business video gallery, the best is, if not already done, to create a Youtube or Vimeo channel in which you’ll upload all the business’s videos. You can also create a thematic gallery from other sources than the store itself (for example a fashion video gallery for a trendy bar). Note: Keep in mind the Videos feature is used to display galleries only. If you want to add a single specific video, please use the Custom Page feature. Here is how it works, it’s quite simple: YouTube: Start by naming your gallery, so that if you create several galleries, users will be able to select the one they want to watch. Then, in the “search” field, what you’re are going to enter depends on what type of search you’re are going to select: Create a gallery with only the store videos: You already have created the store channel on Youtube and uploaded the videos to this channel. Here is how you create the gallery: Enter the name you want for your video gallery and then the name of your Youtube Channel in the “search” field. Then choose “Channel” for “Type”: or the ID of the Youtube channel in the “search” field. Then choose “Channel” for “Type”: Example: for the Youtube User the user ID is “username“. Create a thematic video gallery: Enter the name you want for your video gallery, the keyword you want to search for in the “search” field, and choose “Search” in “Type”. Here is the result: If you want to add another gallery, just click on + and repeat the above process. Podcast: You can also integrate videos from podcasts. To do this, you have to enter the name of your video gallery and the URL address of your podcast. Vimeo: If you want to add a channel you have to enter the ID of the channel in the “search” field and select “Channel” in the “type” select box. You can find the ID of the channel at the end of the channel URL. For example, for this channel: you just have to enter “316799”. For the other types of choices (User, Group, Album), it is the same process than for Channel. Just enter the ID that appears at the end of the URL. For example, to import all the videos of this user: enter “user23045856” in the “search” field and select “user” for type.
  • Contact Page
    This feature allows you to create a contact page for your business. To add this feature to your app, click on "CONTACT" in the “Add Pages” section. Here is what it looks like in the app:
  • Social Sharing function
    The Social Sharing function allows you to share info about your app with your customers, contacts and friends, via your social networks or messages applications. To enable the function for a feature, you just need to switch the Social Sharing button in this feature. For example, here in NewsWall feature: Enabled: Disabled: Note: You will not see a difference or any icon in the Editor’s previewer. The Social Sharing function icon only appears in your app. Now, open your app on your device. As you can see, the Social Sharing function icon appeared in the top right corner of the screen: Now, you are able to share the articles, posts and other informations about your app with the people you like.
  • Catalog
    This feature allows you to create Product pages. Note: if you have menus, don’t create them with this feature but use the “Menu” feature instead which is more appropriate. Let’s check out how to setup this feature: First, create a main category click on “Add a category” : Then you’ll see your first category, the category name can be changed live by typing directly inside the input, Hit enter to save! After that, you’ll have two choices First you can create another category by clicking on the top button “Add a category” Or you can add a Product to one of the existing categories To add a new Product you will have to click on the shopping cart icon, below is the Product form, when filled, just click Save, the form will collapse, and the new product will be added in the list. Below an example with some categories, sub-categories & products Notes You can drag & drop all your categories, sub-categories & products by using the drag icon . Only two levels of Categories are allowed: Categories & Sub-Categories Products can only be inside a Category or a Sub-Category. Design & Backgrounds You can setup background images for this feature via the tab “Design“: And a design, via the tab “Design“: You can obtain this on the phone:
  • Images
    This feature allows you to create image galleries. You’ve got five options: from Picasa from Instagram from Flickr with your own photos from Facebook First of all, check that you have created and filled all the corresponding API keys. Create a gallery from Picassa: The “Gallery Name” field allows you to give a name to your gallery. If you have several galleries, users will thus be able to choose the gallery they want to take a look at. With the “Search” field you’ll be able to retrieve all photos from Picasa that are relevant to this search. And the result is: You can also retrieve all photos from a specific Picasa album or Picasa account: Fill in the Search field with your Picasa account email. Select the album you want to add to your app (Your Picasa album must be public). You’re done. Note: unfortunately it is no longer possible to create Picasa account, however old Picasa accounts can still be used. Create a gallery from Instagram: Since Instagram has changed their API policies, now you must use your own Instagram keys in order to create an Instagram gallery. The gallery name is only the name displayed on your Appily App, and is not related to the Instagram gallery . If you have an error about the name, check your API keys. And the result is: Create a gallery from Flickr: To create a Flickr gallery, you have to create Flickr API keys. The “Gallery name” field allows you to give a name to your gallery. With the “Search” field you’ll be able to retrieve all photos from Flickr that are relevant to this search. Create a gallery from you own photos Name your gallery, and click on “Send your pictures”. Then click on “Browse” to upload photos from your computer. You can upload several photos in the same time, just select from one folder all the photos you want to upload. It’s not mandatory, but you can enter a title and a description for all your photos. Click on “Save” to save your gallery. Create a gallery from Facebook: Enter the Facebook ID of your Facebook Fan page and choose which images you want to show in the “Search” field: Please note that only Facebook Fan page will works (not personal Facebook page). To create a new gallery, click on + and repeat the above process.
  • Link & Links
    The Links feature allows you to create links, that will open in the app, or in the device browser, depending on your preferences. For example, you can create pages like this one with this feature: If you want to create a Links page, click on "LINKS" . It will open this window: First of all, you have to work on the content, then you can work on the design. 1. The content To add a new link, click on + Add a Link: Now, you just have to write the name of your link in “Title” and the url address in “link”. You can also add a logo if you click on + You have two options: “Without navbar”: Hide the navigation bar. “Use external application”: Open the link in the device browser. You can create as many links as you want, you just have to do this process again. 2. Design In order to make this page unique, you can insert a cover image. Then, you can change the background:
  • List of features using “My account” page
    Here is a list of the features that require the user login: Booking Commerce Contest Discount Fanwall In-App Messages Inbox Job Loyalty Card Newswall Padlock/Padlock pro Profile Progressive Loyalty Card Push Notifications QR Coupons Scratch Card
  • Facebook Login – Connection error
    If you have this error message : Not logged In: You are not logged in. Please login and try again. You have to update your Facebook APi settings and turn the Web OAuth Login to yes and you have to add http://localhost/ , http://localhost/callback/ You may also add those url with https (duplicate them and add https)
  • Facebook Page
    We are going to see how to use the Facebook feature to integrate your Facebook fan page into your app with the design of your app. First you have to add a Facebook page in your app by clicking "Facebook" from “Add pages” to add it in the carrousel of your pages. Then just enter the ID of your Facebook Fan Page in the appropriate field, for example for our Facebook Page:, it will be “appily”: Please note that only facebook Fan page can be used , personal Facebook pages won’t work. Then press “ok” to import your Facebook Fan Page. Here is the result:
  • Stripe
    To have your API keys from Stripe, just create your account at and once your business account is validated by Stripe you will be able to get your API keys: and in API settings, use “the live API keys”:
  • Custom Page
    Appily gives you a wide choice of features to put your products and activity forward. Custom page allows you to enlighten your business by numerous ways. You can write an article with a picture or not, you can publish a photo gallery, you can publish a video directly on this page, and you can add “one touch call” buttons or link to any external website. For instance, custom page gives you the opportunity to create pages like these ones: Let’s see, how to create a page such as these ones. First, you need to create a new Custom page: Then you must name your new page (here it will be Our Activities). A custom page is made up of independent blocks. Thus you can realize as many blocks as you want in the same page (in the example page “Our Activities” there are three blocks: one about golf, one about tennis – which are both text sections – and one about the lake which is an image section). Text Picture Video Address Buttons Attachments Slider Cover 1.Text Here, we will create the first section, which is dealing with golf. To do this, click on “Text” . A new text document appears and you can write your article in it. Then, insert the picture we want in this section. To do that, click on the icon which is circled in red. This icon appears "Add a picture" and allows you to insert your picture. When this one has been inserted, you can act on its alignment and its size: Thus you obtain this result: To obtain a section like “The vines”, click again "Text" on and follow the process we have seen. But you must act on the alignment which must be on the left and not on the right. You can realize as many sections as you want (custom pages are made up of independent blocks). More: You can also add in your text element a link to a website or an e-mail address. This appears: You have to choose the link type you want to integrate, “URL” if you want to integrate a website or “E-mail” if you want to integrate an e-mail address. Then write in the URL case the link. ex: Website: Source mode, HTML Tags : You can also insert HTML TAGS by selecting the “source mode” with the “source button”. The HTML tags allowed are a , img and iframe. Every other html tags will be automatically removed. 2. Picture Creating a photo gallery is as easy as realizing a text section. To do that, click on "Image" and then on “Add pictures”. You obtain this: You can add a description of your picture if you want. Here again you can realize as many sections as you want, you just have to click on "Image" 3. Video The creation of a video section is as easy as the creation of text sections and picture sections. To do that, you must create a new section, click on "Video" . This appears: Here you have to choose the kind of video you want to integrate into your custom page: YouTube videos, Podcast videos or your own videos. YouTube: Click on "YOUTUBE". This appears: Enter your research or your YouTube URL in the field. Here I enter “Freeride in Sweden” and then click on OK. This appears: Select the video you want to integrate and then click on “Save” to save your video. Podcast: Click on "PODCAST" . This appears: Enter your video podcast address ( .xml format) in the appropriate field. Then click on "OK". Select the video you want to integrate to your custom page. Then click on “Save”. My video: Click on "MY VIDEO". This appears: Thus, to include a video, you have to write the URL address of your video in “Video URL”. Once you have written the URL address of your video, you can write a little description of it and add a loading picture. To add a loading picture, click on "Loading picture" . You obtain this: 4. Address Thanks to this section you can add a button to locate any place from the user device. 5. Buttons You can add a button to make a call, or a button to open a website. 6. Attachment Thanks to this section you can add files to this page (e.g: PDF files, etc…) 7. Slider You can create a slider by adding several pictures. 8. Cover Thanks to this section you can add cover to this page.
  • White Label Editor
    You will need to have a domain name. If you do not have one yet, you can purchase one, for example at or A .com name costs some € 5 / year. You are not required to purchase hosting service with your domain name. Then, you must have access to the DNS zones from the domain name management interface. DNS means Domain Name System. Don’t worry, this is not too technical. You will usually find the DNS zones in the Domain section of your domain admin panel. When you find that section, you have to create a type CNAME or CNAME record. In this record you will have to enter the following info: domain name: your subdomain address: the address of your editor (for example: Here is an example of how it could look like (it depends on the domain admin panel): You can either choose to use your domain name exclusively as a white-label interface, or choose a subdomain (this is an example of the format: You have to enter the name of your domain or subdomain. If you have the option, you should set the TTL to the minimum value. If you don’t have this option, you should not worry. It just helps your modifications to be taken into account more quickly. To finish, you must notify us of your changes and we will connect your account on the platform. Then you have to enter your domain name in the “Hostname” field. If you are using the domain for your white label admin panel, you must enter your domain name; if you are using a subdomain, you have to enter that name. If the CNAME has not been configured correctly, you will receive an error message. You must also enter a name for their white label and the Application base Package Name (Android) and Application base Bundle ID (iOS). Then you must not forget to customize you admin panel by clicking on this icon on the right of the general menu at the top: If you were able to set the TTL to the minimum value, you should be able to access your white-label interface immediately by typing the name of your domain or subdomain into your web browser. If not, you should be able to access it within 24h. Then, once you have built the application of your first client, you should create an access to the application for the client and give him the link to your white label panel. Thanks to this the your client will be able to manage his app on your admin without knowing he is using our platform.
  • How to create a custom URL for your mobile website?
    In your App Dashboard, you can enter a custom domain for an app in Settings > Domain. Be careful this operation may have an impact on your app if it is already published, therefore do it only if you really want a custom url for your mobile website (i.e. allowing people to open the HTML5 version of your app in their browser). Creat a CNAME Record: The best method on Appily is to use a CNAME record. If you have a domain like, it is possible to create a CNAME like that will open the app in the browser of the device. To create the CNAME you must, connect to your domain name panel and create a CNAME record named “mobile” which will have the URL as its destination. Thus to keep the example above, the destination of the CNAME “mobile” will be “”. Then the complete CNAME must be entered in the domain field in your Appily editor (Settings > Domain) In the domain name panel, a CNAME record can be created from the DNS zone section (most often from a link “Add a new record”). If it is not well configured, a message saying “your CNAME is not properly set” will be displayed. It can happen even if you have well configured your CNAME because of DNS propagation delay. Wait a little bit and enter the CNAME url in your browser, if it displays the app, the CNAME is well configured. If not, you should take a look at your CNAME configuration, or remove this custom domain. If you want to be sure your CNAME is properly set, just check your CNAME record with this tool: Enter the chosen URL of your mobile version, in our example, then choose CNAME, and click “search”, if it doesn’t show the address of your as the result, that means you haven’t well created your CNAME or you are not creating its CNAME at the right place (your domain name may be managed by another panel). WARNING: if you, have entered a custom domain for your app, be sure this custom domain works. If not, the app will never open, because the content is based on this URL and it will try to reach this URL and it will fail. Note: If you can’t see it working in your web browser, that means you have cache in it. Flush your web browser’s cache or try with another web browser.
  • How to integrate Ads in the app with AdMob?
    1. Create an adwords account To login to AdMob you need a Google Adwords account. Create one first at 2. Create your AdMob account Login to AdMob at and create your account after choosing your Adwords account 3. Create your ad Once logged in Admob, you reach this page: Click on “Apps” and on “ADD YOUR FIRST APP“: Next, select the platform on which you want to publish your app. If your app is already published, click on “Yes, the app is listed on a supported app store“, you will have to search for your app on the stores: Enter an “App name”. You can choose to enable “User metrics” or not. Then click on ADD APP: Click on “CREATE AD UNIT”: Choose from Interstitial or Banner (Rewarded is not supported). Give a name to the Ad and click on “CREATE AD UNIT“: Note down the App ID and Ad unit ID: You can repeat the same process to create the same kind of ad but for another kind of system/device (iOS for example). To create another kind of ad (Interstitial for example), go to the app you have created and in Ad Units menu click on ADD AD UNIT: If you have already created an Ad unit ID and want to find the App ID, on your Admob account go to your app, in App settings: 4. Add your App ID and Ad unit ID to your app Go to your Editor, in the Publication tab of your app. Check “Monetize my app using AdMob?” and enter the App ID and Ad unit ID you just created:
  • How to change the features’ icons
    You can upload and change the icons of the features in the Editor, in the features tab. Edit a random feature on your app (for example here “Discount”) and click on the icon: Click on to import your icons. Now you can click on the grey icons to change the feature icon.
  • GDPR Settings & Features
    General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is the new regulation in European law regarding data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union. Even though it is related to the European Union citizens, it is a regulation that seems to be followed by other states outside the Union, and, that’s also something that can be reassuring for your users even if you are not concerned by GDPR. More info about what is GDPR here. Editor admins In the “My account” page, the admins will find a new section named “Privacy” where they can consult & download their personal data. Application users The users will be able to request a token from “My Account” to access their data on the platform, they will receive an e-mail with the token, and a link to the page. Then the user will receive an e-mail like below
  • Stripe
    To have your API keys from Stripe, just create your account at and once your business account is validated by Stripe you will be able to get your API keys: click on API on the left menu: and in API settings, use “the live API keys”:
  • How to configure Paypal for the M-commerce feature?
    In this tutorial we are going to see how to set up your Paypal account to enable online payments in the M-Commerce feature and receive payments on your Paypal account. Important : your app must use a currency supported by paypal. You can find the list here. You can set your app currency at the bottom of the design tab of your app editor. FIRST, If you don’t have a Paypal account, you need to create one. Please go to and sign up for free. Your Paypal account must be “premium” or “business”. Here is what you need to set up Paypal in your mobile app: Paypal API username Paypal API password Paypal signature The process is simple but need some requirements. First open and log-in. Under your name make sure your status reads: Verified. If your account isn’t verified you have to verify it by Paypal. Then, from the Paypal menu, go to profile: and select profile and settings: From the next page, select “my settings tools: Then, find the “api access” line and click update: On the next screen, choose “Manage API credentials”: Then select “request API signature and hit “agree and submit”: Greetings, you have created your API credentials, click show and paste them: Then go to Appily App Builder, in the store of your M-Commerce feature or CommercePro feature, after enabling Paypal for your payment methods, just enter the credentials you just got from Paypal: That’s all! Your app is ready to receive payments with Paypal.
  • Form
    The form feature offers you to build your own forms within your apps. Various formatting & input elements allows you to build completely custom & efficient forms. To create a form click on in the “Add pages” part. This window will appear: Settings: In Recipient emails field, you can enter multiple recipients, separate e-mails with a coma :,, Enable in-app-history: with the history, logged-in users will be able to see (read-only) their submissions, sorted by date. Note: the history is only available for logged-in users and when the option is enabled, all submissions made when the setting is off are not saved in the user history, however they are saved in the admin results tab & sent by e-mail when configured Design: choose between list & card to fit your application design. Fields: To build your form, you will have to choose from all the field types available Fields are grouped in two sections: Formatting elements & Input elements Let’s check below how each field work: Formatting elements: Title (section, divider): use it to create contrasting title/label elements White space (spacer): adds a 20px space between any other field Illustration: adds an image in the form Richtext (block): creates a rich text (wysiwyg) block anywhere in the form Clickwrap (action, agreement): adds a checkbox which when clicked opens a modal with either a custom agreement, or the application privacy policy Input elements Number: adds a number input with options, minimum, maximum & step increment Dropdown select: adds a select element with multiple options Radio choice: adds a radio input choice Checkbox: adds a simple checkbox element Password: adds a password text element, input text is not readable Text input: a single line text input Textarea: a multiline text input Pictures (images): allows user to send up to 10 images, the limit can be configured individually for each picture input, as long as the placeholder texts Date: simple date field, with format options & weekdays restriction Date & time: simple date & time field, with format options & weekdays restriction Geolocation (GPS, georeverse): a clickwrap action, when the users check the box, it’s location is saved and georeversed (the georeverse api requires a google maps api key) Results: In Results tab you can see the answers of the users. You can also export the results as .CSV file and choose to exclude anonymous results and/or keep only last entry for identified customer. Email Preview:
  • How to integrate Ads in the app with AdMob?
    1. Create an adwords account To login to AdMob you need a Google Adwords account. Create one first at 2. Create your AdMob account Login to AdMob at and create your account after choosing your Adwords account 3. Create your ad Once logged in Admob, you reach this page: Click on “Apps” and on “ADD YOUR FIRST APP“: Next, select the platform on which you want to publish your app. If your app is already published, click on “Yes, the app is listed on a supported app store“, you will have to search for your app on the stores: Enter an “App name”. You can choose to enable “User metrics” or not. Then click on ADD APP: Click on “CREATE AD UNIT”: Choose from Interstitial or Banner (Rewarded is not supported). Give a name to the Ad and click on “CREATE AD UNIT“: Note down the App ID and Ad unit ID: You can repeat the same process to create the same kind of ad but for another kind of system/device (iOS for example). To create another kind of ad (Interstitial for example), go to the app you have created and in Ad Units menu click on ADD AD UNIT: If you have already created an Ad unit ID and want to find the App ID, on your Admob account go to your app, in App settings: 4. Add your App ID and Ad unit ID to your app Go to your Editor, in the Publication tab of your app. Check “Monetize my app using AdMob?” and enter the App ID and Ad unit ID you just created:
  • Inbox
    The Inbox feature allows you to send messages to users in your application. Your users will then be able to respond to the messages. Send a message: First, click on to add the feature in your app: Click on + to send a message: Then click on "OK" to continue the process: You can send it on a specific date, send to all your users, or check the boxes if you want to send the message to some specific users. You also can send a push notification with the message. Click on "SEND MESSAGE" to send it. Manage Messages: In the App: Here is how you receive it in the app: Options: Global recipient e-mail: It’s an alternative to the Admin mail. When, as a user, you receive an Inbox message, you can reply to it. With the default settings, your reply is sent to the Admin mail but if you want the reply to be sent to others, you can add more e-mail in this field (separate multiple by a “;”). Send answer e-mail to: You can choose to send replies to the Admin, to the Global recipient(s) or both. New message limit: Limit the number of messages displayed. Display type: It’s an esthetic setting, choose what you prefer. Display answers from: When you receive an Inbox message, you will receive it from the Application name. You can choose to receive it from the Admin name who sent it.
  • Places
    With this feature, you will be able to create a list of geolocated places. It will display all the places on a map, or, if the user opens the sheet of a particular location, he will be able to get the path and directions to this location, by walking or driving. The listing of the locations is sort according to the distance between the locations and the user, from closest to farthest. Click on on the “Add Pages” section to add the feature to your app: Add Places: Click on + to add a Place: Then, you have to enter an address for this location and/or its coordinates (The Google autocomplete should help) If you check the “Display address” checkbox, the address will be shown in the sheet of the location. If you check the “display location button” checkbox, it will display a button that will allow the user to see the path to this location. Be sure you have your Google Maps API Keys set. You can also add other Sections (see Custom Page for more information). When you are done, click on to add the place. Once you have set up the list, it could look like that: Place view / Map with cluster & Informations Add Categories: Since the latest update we have introduced categories to optimise search & organisation You can assign one or more category to each place. We recommend you using transparent PNG icons (512x512px) for a better display result in the Settings & Options: In the settings tab you’ll find 3 options Default page All places: will display nearby places ordered by distance (if GPS is available) Categories: will display the categories, selecting a category will filter corresponding places Distance unit Kilometers Miles Default layout (default layout will apply to both categories/places but is a default on first load, user choice is then saved in the phone, and default will not erase it) List Two columns Three columns
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